Équipe et publications

La professeure Aarlenne Khan est spécialiste de l'interaction entre l'attention et les mouvements oculaires dans le cerveau sain et malade. Outre ses travaux sur l'ataxie, elle mène, entre autres, des recherches auprès de patients ayant des lésions du cortex pariétal ou qui souffrent de la maladie de Parkinson.
Membres actuels
Julie Ouerfelli-Ethier
Étudiante au Ph.D.
Anne-Sophie Laurin
Étudiante au doctorat
Romain Hassan Omar
Étudiant à la maitrise
Anciens membres
Stagiaires postdoctoraux
- Vanessa Harrar
Étudiants et étudiantes au PhD
- Laura Mikula
Étudiants et étudiantes à la maîtrise
- Thea Bouteille
- Georgiana Tolan
- Paul Lene
- Noemie Redureau
- Omri Nachmani
- Anton Malienko
- Delphin Gaudin
- Julie Desgroseillers
- Basma Elsaied
- Elizabeth Moulton
Étudiants et étudiantes de premier cycle
- Isabella Comtois Bona
- Warren Chen
- Adunni Garber
- Annika Rozefort
- Christine Gao
- Jane Abdo
- Thomas Carrier
- Safae Benali Lietefti
- Jessica Gedjakouchi
- Alexandre Duchaine
- Michel Lifshits
- Jean Drouin-Gagne
- Thien Phong Le
- Maxime Bleau
- Sofia Sahnoun
- Maya Labreche
- William Le
- Marilyn Jacob
- Stephanie Hammond
- Youngmin Song
Articles depuis 2019
- Ouerfelli-Ethier J, Fournet R, Khan AZ, Pisella L. (2023) Spatial bias in anti-saccades endpoints following bilateral dorsal posterior parietal lesions. European Journal of Neuroscience. In press. (PDF)
- Ouerfelli-Ethier J, Comtois Bona I, Fournet R, Pisella L, Khan AZ. (2023) Pre-saccadic attention relies more on suppression than does covert attention. Journal of Vision, 23(1), 1-1. (PDF)
- Ouerfelli-Ethier J, Salemme R, Fournet R, Urquizar C, Pisella L, Khan AZ. (2021). Impaired spatial inhibition processes for inter-hemispheric anti-saccades following dorsal posterior parietal lesions. Cerebral Cortex Communications, tgab054. (PDF)
- Vialatte A, Salemme R, Khan AZ, Pisella L. (2021). Attentional limits in visual search with and without dorsal parietal dysfunction: space-based window or object- based span? Neuropsychologia, 161, 108013. (PDF)
- Laurin AS, Bleau M, Gedjakouchian J, Fournet R, Pisella L, Khan AZ. (2021). Post-saccadic changes disrupt attended pre-saccadic object memory. Journal of Vision, 21 (8), 8-8. (PDF)
- Pisella L, Vialatte A, Khan AZ, Rossetti Y. (2021). Balint syndrome. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Neurology of Vision and Visual Disorders, Volume 178, Chapter 15. In press.
- Mikula L, Blohm G, Koun E, Khan AZ, Pisella L. (2021). Movement drift in optic ataxia reveals deficits in hand state estimation in oculocentric coordinates. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. (PDF)
- Pisella L, Vialatte A, Khan AZ, Rossetti Y. (2021). Balint syndrome. Handbook of Clinical Neurology, Neurology of Vision and Visual Disorders, Volume 178, Chapter 15. In press.
- Mikula L, Blohm G, Koun E, Khan AZ, Pisella L. (2021). Movement drift in optic ataxia reveals deficits in hand state estimation in oculocentric coordinates. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. (PDF)
- Song Y, Ouchene L, Khan AZ. (2021). Saccadic adaptation in the presence of artificial central scotomas. Journal of Vision, 21(1):8. (PDF)
- Lene P, Ouerfelli-Ethier J, Fournet R, Laurin AS, Gosselin F,Khan AZ. (2020). Changes in eye movement parameters in the presence of an artificial central scotoma. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 38: 203–222. (PDF)
- Vialatte A, Yeshurun Y, Khan AZ, Rosenholtz R, Pisella L. (2020). Superior parietal lobule: A role in relative localization of multiple different elements. Cerebral Cortex, 00:1-14. (PDF)
- Nachmani O, Coutinho J, Khan AZ, Lefèvre P, Blohm G. (2020). Predicted Position Error Triggers Catch-Up Saccades during Sustained Smooth Pursuit. ENEURO.0196-18. (PDF)
- Song Y, Ouchene L, Khan AZ. (2019). Saccadic adaptation in the presence of artificial central scotomas. bioRxiv, 719450. (PDF)
Archives avant 2019
- Ouerfelli-Ethier J, Elsaeid B, Des Groseilliers J, Blohm G, Munoz DP, Khan AZ. (2018) Anti-saccades predict cognitive functions in older adults and patients with Parkinson's disease. Plos ONE, 13(11): e0207589. (PDF)
- Mikula L, Jacob M, Tran T, Pisella L, Khan AZ.(2018) Spatial and temporal dynamics of pre-saccadic attentional facilitation before pro- and anti-saccades. Journal of Vision, 18(9):2, 1-16 (PDF)
- Malienko A, Harrar V, & Khan, AZ. (2018). Contrasting effects of exogenous cueing on saccades and reaches. Journal of Vision, 18(9):4, 1-16 (PDF)
- Harrar V, Le Trung W, Malienko A, Khan, AZ. (2018). A non-visual eye tracker calibration method for video based tracking. Journal of Vision, 18(9):13, 1-11 (PDF)
- Mikula L, Sahnoun S, Pisella L, Blohm G, Khan AZ. (2018). Vibrotactile information improves proprioceptive reaching target localization. PloS one, 13(7), e0199627. (PDF)
- Mikula L, Gaveau V, Pisella L, Khan AZ, Blohm G. (2018). Learned rather than online relative weighting of visual-proprioceptive sensory cues. Journal of neurophysiology, 119(5), 1981-1992. (PDF)
- Jeyachandra J, Nam Y, Kim Y, Blohm G, Khan AZ. (2018).Trans-saccadic memory of multiple spatially variant and invariant object features. Journal of vision, 18(1), 6-6. (PDF)
- Tao G, Khan AZ, Blohm G. (2018). Corrective response times in a coordinated eye-head-arm countermanding task. Journal of neurophysiology, 119(6), 2036-2051. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Takahashi N, Munoz DP, Blohm G, McPeek R. (2016) Effects of a pre-target distractor stimulus on saccade reaction times across space in monkeys and humans. Journal of Vision, 16(7), 5-5. (PDF)
- Levy-Bencheton D, Khan AZ, Pellison D, Tilikete C, Pisella L. (2016). Adaptation of saccade sequences with and without remapping. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Prost-Lefebvre M, Salemme R, Blohm G Rossetti Y, Vighetto A, Pisella L. (2016) The attentional fields of visual search in Balint’s syndrome and healthy individuals: How object and spatial attention interact. Cerebral Cortex, pii: bhv059. Epub ahead of print. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Pisella L, Blohm G, Munoz DP. (2015) Saccade execution suppresses discrimination at distractor locations rather than enhancing the target location. European Journal of Neuroscience, 41(12):1624-34. (PDF)
- Jin Z, Watamaniuk S, Khan AZ, Potapchuk E, Heinen S. (2014) Motion integration for ocular pursuit does not hinder perceptual segregation of moving objects. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(17):5835-41 (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Pisella L, Delporte L, Rode G, Rossetti Y. (2013) Testing for optic ataxia in a blind field. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 7: 399. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Pisella L, Blohm G. (2013) Causal evidence for posterior parietal cortex involvement in visual-to-motor reference frame transformations of reach targets. Cortex, 49(9):2439-48. (PDF)
- Blangero A, Khan AZ, Rode G, Pisella L. (2011) Dissociation between intentional and automatic remapping: different levels of interhemispheric transfer. Vision Research,51: 932-39. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Song JH, McPeek RM. (2011) The eye dominates in guiding attention during simultaneous eye and hand movements. Journal of Vision, 11(1):9, 1-14. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Lefevre P, Heinen SJ, Blohm G. (2010) The default allocation of attention is broadly ahead of smooth pursuit. Journal of Vision, 10(13):7,1-17. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Heinen SJ, McPeek RM. (2010) Attentional cueing at the saccade goal, not at the target location, facilitates saccades. Journal of Neuroscience, 30(16): 5481-5488. (PDF)
- Blangero A, Khan AZ, Rossetti Y, Salemme R, Laverdure N, Deubel H, Schneider WX, Luauté J, Rode G, Boisson D, Vighetto A, Pisella L. (2010) Pre-saccadic perceptual facilitation can occur without covert orienting of attention. Cortex, 46(9):1132-1137. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Blangero A, Rossetti Y, Salemme R, Luauté J, Deubel H, Schneider WX, Laverdure N, Rode G, Boisson D, Pisella L. (2009) Parietal damage dissociates saccade planning from presaccadic perceptual facilitation. Cerebral Cortex, 19(2): 383-387. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Blohm G, McPeek RM, Lefevre P. (2009) Differential influence of attention on gaze and head movements. Journal of Neurophysiology, 101(1):198-202. (PDF)
- Blohm G, Khan AZ, Ren L, Schreiber KM, Crawford JD Depth estimation from retinal disparity requires eye and head orientation signals. Journal of Vision, 8(15):3,1-23. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Crawford JD, Blohm G, Uzquizar C, Rossetti Y, Pisella L. Effects (Influence) of initial hand position on reach errors in optic ataxic and normal subjects. Journal of Vision - Special Issue - Sensorimotor processing of goal-directed movements, 7(5):8,1-16. (PDF)
- Ren L, Khan AZ, Blohm G, Henriques DYP, Sergio LE, Crawford JD. Proprioceptive guidance of saccades in eye-hand coordination. Journal of Neurophysiology, 96(3):1464-1477. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Pisella L, Vighetto A, Cotton F, Luaute J, Boisson D, Salemme R, Crawford JD, Rossetti Y Optic ataxia errors depend on remapped, not viewed, target location. Nature Neuroscience, 8(4):418-420. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Pisella L, Rossetti Y, Vighetto A, Crawford JD Impairment of gaze-centered updating of reach targets in bilateral parietal-occipital damaged patients Cerebral Cortex, 15(10):1547-1560. (PDF)
- Crawford JD, Henriques DYP, Medendorp MD, Khan AZ Ocular kinematics and eye-hand coordination Strabismus, 11(1):33-47. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Crawford JD Coordinating one hand with two eyes: Optimizing for field of view in a pointing task Vision Research, 43(4): 409-417. (PDF)
- Khan AZ, Crawford JD Ocular dominance reverses as a function of gaze angle Vision Research, 41: 1743-1748. (PDF)